How to Change Region on PS5: A Step-by-Step Guide

To change the region on your PS5, you will need to create a new account with your desired region. Unfortunately, you cannot change the region of an existing account.

How to Change Region on PS5: A Step-by-Step Guide


Methods To Change Region On Ps5

Are you looking to change the region on your PS5 console? While the process may seem tricky at first, there are a couple of methods you can try to achieve this. In this article, we will explore two effective ways to change the region on your PS5. Let’s dive in!

Changing Region Through Psn Account Settings

If you already have a PSN account and want to change your region, this method is for you. Follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your PSN account on your PS5 console.
  2. Navigate to the Account Settings section.
  3. Select “Your Information” from the menu options.
  4. Next to “Residential Address”, click on “Edit”.
  5. In the address form, update your location details to the desired country/region.
  6. Save the changes, and voila! Your region has been successfully changed.

By following these steps, you can easily update your PSN account’s region to access content specific to your desired location.

Creating A New Account With Desired Region

If changing the region through your existing PSN account didn’t work for you, creating a new account with the desired region is an alternative solution. Here’s how:

  1. Access the PSN account creation page on your PS5 console.
  2. Select your desired country/region during the account creation process.
  3. Fill in the required information, including your new username and password.
  4. Agree to the terms and conditions, and complete the account creation process.
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Once your new PSN account is set up with the desired region, you can enjoy all the region-specific content available in that location.

Changing the region on your PS5 can open up a world of gaming opportunities tailored to your preferences. Whether you choose to update your existing PSN account or create a new one, these methods will help you access region-restricted content effortlessly. Try them out and enjoy gaming in your desired region!

How to Change Region on PS5: A Step-by-Step Guide


Considerations And Limitations

To change your region on the PS5, you’ll need to create a new account with the desired country or region. Unfortunately, you can’t change the region of an existing account.

Effects Of Changing Region On Game Access And Dlc

Changing the region on your PS5 can have certain effects on your game access and downloadable content (DLC). By changing your region, you gain access to games and DLC that are specifically available in that region. This means that you can explore a wider range of game options and enjoy additional content that may not be accessible in your current region.

For example, if you change your region to Japan, you can access Japanese-exclusive games and DLC, which can provide a unique gaming experience. Similarly, changing your region to Europe can allow you to access European games and DLC that may not be available in other regions.

However, it is important to note that changing your region may not always guarantee access to all games and DLC. Some games and DLC may be region-locked, which means they can only be accessed in specific regions. In such cases, changing your region may not allow you to access these locked games and DLC. It is recommended to check the compatibility and region restrictions of specific games and DLC before changing your region.

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Potential Risks And Drawbacks Of Changing Region

While changing your region on your PS5 can provide certain advantages, it is crucial to consider potential risks and drawbacks before making the decision. Here are some important points to keep in mind:

  1. Loss of access to current games and DLC: When you change your region, you might lose access to certain games and DLC that were available in your previous region. This can be a significant drawback, especially if you have invested a lot of time and money in those games and content.
  2. Limited customer support and warranty coverage: Depending on your new region, you may receive limited customer support and warranty coverage from Sony. This can make it challenging to address any issues or problems that may arise with your console or games.
  3. Currency conversion and pricing differences: Changing your region may result in currency conversion and pricing differences. Some games and DLC may be more expensive in certain regions, while others may have different pricing structures altogether. It is important to consider the potential impact on your budget and gaming expenses.
  4. Potential account restrictions: Changing your region may also lead to potential account restrictions. For example, certain features or services may not be available in certain regions, limiting your overall gaming experience.

It is vital to carefully evaluate these potential risks and drawbacks before deciding to change your region on your PS5. Consider how important access to your current games and DLC is to you, the level of customer support you may require, and the impact on your budget and gaming experience. Only make the change if it aligns with your gaming preferences and priorities.

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Credit: YouTube

Frequently Asked Questions Of How To Change Region On Ps5

Can You Change Your Country On Ps5?

Unfortunately, you cannot change your country on PS5. Once you set up a PlayStation Network (PSN) account, it locks your region and cannot be changed, even if you move to another country permanently.

Is Ps5 Region-locked?

No, the PS5 is not region-locked. Once you set up a PlayStation Network (PSN) account, it locks your region and cannot be changed. Even if you move to another country, you cannot freely change locations in the settings.

How Do I Know My Region On Ps5?

Once you have set up a PlayStation Network (PSN) account, you cannot freely change your region. Even if you move to another country, you cannot change your location in the settings.

Does Country Of Region Matter In Ps5?

The country or region of your PS5 does matter. Once you set up a PSN account, it locks your region and you can’t freely change it. Even if you move to another country, you can’t change the location in the settings.


To change the region on your PS5, you’ll need to create a new account with the desired region. Unfortunately, you cannot change the region of an existing account. Once you’ve created the new account, you’ll be able to access content from that specific region.

Remember to create a separate PSN account for each region you want to access. Now you can enjoy games and content from different regions on your PS5 hassle-free!

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Sadik Hossain
An aspiring student formed an obsession with Blogging, SEO, Digital Marketing, and Helping PC Enthusiasts To Build Amazing Gaming Builds. You can find him on Facebook